
New: Walter Apartments For 50th And Leavenworth

The laundromat at 50th and Leavenworth will be replaced with 53 apartments on 5 floors.

In a request before the Omaha Planning Department [note, updated in December], there is an apartment building planned for the southeast corner of 50th and Leavenworth Streets in Omaha. There is no name for the building. The 53 apartments would join 44 parking spots in a single 5-story building. It would be rezoned in the newer TOD-MX2 zone, which allows for less parking.

[update December ’23: new Planning Dept docs show 58 units, project now called Walter Apartments]

[update March ’24: new rendering (next image) which seems plausible, looking for the source other than the eomahaforum]

Unfortunately there is no planned retail space that would take advantage of the corner. There are a number of tired retail buildings nearby but Leavenworth could use some new life.

Five blocks to the west, there has been some redevelopment when a few buildings were torn down and a couple of businesses moved to make room for about twenty $500k townhomes. Being close to the Med Center/UNMC is driving a lot of development in the Midtown-South area. The location is also within walking distance of UN-Omaha. This new project is about a block and a half north of a contested development planned for Pacific Street and Saddle Creek.

Location: 50th and Leavenworth is currently home to an underused/closed laundrymat and two/three other closed retail bays.

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