After illegal trend consumes local street, city officials take action: ‘I’m hoping the … signs wake people up’

After illegal trend consumes local street, city officials take action 'I'm hoping the ... signs wake people up'

City officials in Omaha, Nebraska, sent a crew to clean up an illegal dumping site near 21st Street and Madison, according to a YouTube video posted by KMTV.

“I got here at 7:45 this morning as crews were cleaning up the trash,” says KMTV’s Greta Goede in the video from November 23. “This came after days of talking with neighbors and city leaders about the illegal dumping in this neighborhood.”

A cul-de-sac littered with cardboard, plastic containers, lumber, and two discarded couches – clearly a site where many visitors have illegally dumped their trash. A work crew wearing hi-vis jackets arrives in a truck and fills its trailer with trash.

While the work was being done, city council member Ron Hug arrived to inspect the scene and comment on the need for this work.

“I think they did a good job, definitely,” he tells me. “I am hoping the ‘No Dumping’ signs wake people up.”

The signs in question are a new addition that detail the penalties for dumping, which include fines, loss of driver’s license, and financial responsibility for cleaning up the area. Along with the signs, a camera has been installed to monitor the area.

However, this is not the only location in Omaha where illegal dumping occurs, and Hug is realistic about the effort required to address the issue.

“It is going to be impossible to eliminate these isolated situations that we have, more so in my district, just because of a lot of things — you know, dead end alleys, dead end streets type of things, that just attract that type of behavior,” he points out.

However, it is worth the effort. Trash not only creates unsightly views and lowers property values, but it can also contain hazards for residents, such as sharp or unsanitary materials.

Furthermore, plastic trash will take centuries to degrade, shedding microplastics along the way. Getting rid of trash as soon as possible benefits both residents and the environment.

According to KMTV, Hug is working with the city council to add a third cleanup period to hopefully resolve the illegal dumping problem.
