Confirmed – this is the official date for the first economic stimulus deposit of $1,702 in 2025 for eligible residents of this state only

Confirmed – this is the official date for the first economic stimulus deposit of $1,702 in 2025 for eligible residents of this state only

Alaskans are getting ready for a new economic boost from the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) stimulus deposit. This is an annual payment that comes from the state’s natural resources.

The Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation was created in 1976 and is in charge of managing the state’s oil revenues and giving them to the community. The community uses the money to pay for things like housing, food, transportation, and medical care.

The way the PFD shares natural resource profits is meant to make sure that Alaskans directly benefit financially from the state’s oil and gas revenues.

The budget is run by the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, which gives people who qualify a steady flow of money every year. This stimulus deposit is another way that the State of Alaska pays its citizens who have to leave the state for work, medical care, or the military. A parent, guardian, or person appointed by the state can apply on behalf of a disabled person or a minor.

Alaskans will officially receive a new economic stimulus deposit of $1,702

Each family member must apply for the PFD either online or by mail between January 1 and March 31 of each year. About 600,000 Alaskans will be able to get the extra $1702 in aid for 2025. On the Permanent Fund Dividend (PDF) website, it says that division applications for 2024 and earlier years that were marked as “Eligible-Unpaid” on January 8, 2025, will be paid out on January 16, 2025.

For this to work, you must be an Alaskan registered resident, have lived in the state for at least a year, and have no plans to leave soon.

Besides that, you must have spent at least 72 hours in Alaska in the last 24 months and not been in jail for a felony in the last 12 months or a misdemeanor if you have been convicted of a felony or two misdemeanors since January 1, 1997.

Now is the time to apply online for the 2025 Permanent Fund Dividend stimulus deposit. The window for applications will be open from January 1, 2025, to March 31, 2025.

Confirmed – this is the official date for the first economic stimulus deposit of $1,702 in 2025 for eligible residents of this state only
Source (

The online application lets you submit your application from anywhere and at any time, because it is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Also, the program stresses that people who receive it should know the following:

  • If approved, applications submitted online and paid for via direct transfer will be included in the first stimulus deposit in early October.
  • Applications that are filed online and paid for with a check, as well as those that are submitted on paper and confirmed to be eligible, will be released in the second stimulus deposit in late October.
  • To submit your online application, use your myAlaska username.  To access my PFD, enter the myAlaska username you used to submit your application. This will display extra information about your application and allow you to electronically sign, change your address, and make a stimulus deposit in addition to viewing your 1099 tax document.
  • Your application will be examined if any responses are missing or inadequate.

Remember that the myAlaska system is a safe way for Alaskans to sign up and log out. With this electronic signature and authentication system, Alaskans can use a single login to interact with many State of Alaska agencies. Even though it is its own company, the Permanent Fund Dividend (PDF) Division works with myAlaska.

However, some myAlaska customers have reportedly been getting phishing text messages asking them to update or change their passwords. Alaskans should be careful. You should not answer these messages. People who use MyAlaska are not asked to change their passwords by email or text message.
