Fire investigation is underway in a vacant Omaha home

Fire investigation is underway in a vacant Omaha home

OMAHA, Nebraska – Investigators are working to determine the cause of a fire in a vacant Omaha home.

The Omaha Fire Department responded to a fire near 32nd and L streets shortly before 9:30 p.m. Sunday.

When crews arrived, they discovered heavy fire and smoke coming from the home. According to the report, it took crews about 30 minutes to bring the fire under control.

“They made a decent stop and saved the house next to it. “They performed admirably,” said Charlie Orborny, Battalion Fire Chief.

Oborny claims that the house was vacant and for sale at the time of the fire.

The report found evidence of squatters in the home.

There are no reported injuries, according to OFD.

The damage is estimated at $105,000.
