Is It Illegal to Dumpster Dive in Washington? Here’s What the Law Says

Is It Illegal to Dumpster Dive in Washington Here’s What the Law Says

Dumpster diving is not explicitly illegal in Washington state, but there are several legal considerations to keep in mind:

State Law

Washington state does not have a specific law prohibiting dumpster diving. However, the legality can depend on various factors:

  1. Trespassing: Entering private property to access dumpsters can be considered trespassing, which is illegal.
  2. Local ordinances: Some cities and counties in Washington have their own regulations regarding dumpster diving.
  3. Property rights: The Washington Supreme Court has rejected the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that discarded trash is public domain, maintaining that there is still an expectation of privacy for discarded materials under the state constitution.

Legal Risks

While not outright illegal, dumpster diving can lead to legal issues:

  • Trespassing charges if entering private property
  • Disorderly conduct citations if creating a disturbance
  • Potential theft charges if taking items from locked dumpsters

Best Practices

To avoid legal trouble when dumpster diving in Washington:

  • Obtain permission from property owners before diving
  • Stick to public areas and avoid entering private property
  • Be aware of local ordinances in your specific city or county
  • Do not make a mess or disturb the surrounding area
  • Leave immediately if asked to do so by property owners or law enforcement


While dumpster diving itself is not illegal in Washington state, it’s crucial to be aware of potential legal risks and respect private property rights. Always prioritize safety and follow local regulations to avoid any legal complications.

