Retirees who meet this requirement will get up to $5,180 from Social Security in January

Retirees who meet this requirement will get up to $5,180 from Social Security in January

United States Social Security benefits are delivered on different days of the month depending on which group of retirees we belong to. In January, we will receive payments on up to four different days.

To that, we must add an extra day, and due to a calendar irregularity, we can expect nearly $1,000 more.

However, if we only have one retirement payment, whether for disability or any other type of Social Security benefit, we can receive up to $5,180 in the coming weeks in January 2025.

One of these payments has already left the Administration’s offices, so we may have it in our checking account if we qualify.

When do Social Security payments of up to $5,180 arrive in January?

The day we receive our payments is determined by which group of retirees we belong to. As a result, many retirees who received their Social Security benefits before May 1997 have already received a payment.

This is Group 1, and they received their payment on January 3rd. At the very least, the Administration sent checks to everyone in this group that day. The other groups are those who have received benefits since after May 1997.

Retirees who meet this requirement will get up to $5,180 from Social Security in January
Source (

That is the first of the requirements for the following payments, but keep in mind that each Social Security payment day has a separate requirement. So, aside from that requirement, we have to consider that:

  • January 8th payment is for retirees with birthdays between the 1st and 10th of any month.
  • The payment on the 15th of January is for retirees with birthdays between the 11th and the 20th of any month.
  • The payment on the 22nd of January is for retirees with birthdays between the 21st and 31st of any month.

Fulfilling these requirements is more than enough to get the payment for these days. So check to see what time of the month you can get your check for up to $5,180.

How to get your Social Security payment quickly?

The truth is that the days marked on the calendar correspond to the days when retirement checks are issued.

That does not imply that Americans can receive payment on that specific day, because the collection method influences the day on which we have the funds available.

If we want to receive the money on the same day that the Social Security Administration sends it, we must activate Direct Deposit. This collection method is the quickest of all because it is immediate.

If we do not activate this collection method, we will have to wait approximately three days for the money to be available in the bank’s current account.
