The Legality of Car Sleeping in Washington: What You Need to Know

The Legality of Car Sleeping in Washington What You Need to Know

The legality of sleeping in your car in Washington State is complex and varies depending on location and circumstances. Here’s what you need to know:

State Law

There is no statewide law in Washington explicitly prohibiting sleeping in your car. However, certain restrictions apply:

  • It is illegal to sleep in your car on the side of a road. If caught, you could be fined.
  • At rest areas, you can legally park for up to 8 hours within a 24-hour period. While sleeping isn’t explicitly mentioned, it’s generally tolerated.

Local Ordinances

Many cities and counties in Washington have their own regulations regarding sleeping in vehicles:

  • Some areas prohibit overnight parking or camping in vehicles on public streets.
  • Others have specific ordinances restricting long-term vehicle habitation.

Legal Options

There are some places where you can legally sleep in your car in Washington:

  • Rest areas: You can park for up to 8 hours, though tents are not allowed.
  • Designated safe parking programs: Some cities offer programs for individuals living in vehicles to park overnight in off-street lots.
  • Private property: With the owner’s permission, you may be able to sleep in your car on private property.

Safety Considerations

If you do sleep in your car, keep these safety tips in mind:

  • Choose well-lit areas when possible.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and trust your instincts about the safety of a location.
  • Never leave your car running while sleeping to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.


If you’re traveling and need a place to sleep, consider these alternatives:

  • Campgrounds: Many offer affordable options for car camping.
  • Hostels or budget motels: These can provide a safer and more comfortable option.

Remember that while sleeping in your car may be necessary at times, it’s generally not encouraged as a long-term solution. If you’re experiencing homelessness, there are resources available to help find more stable housing options.

