This Town Has Been Named The Poorest In Tennessee

This Town Has Been Named The Poorest In Tennessee

According to recent data, Jamestown has been identified as the poorest town in Tennessee. Here are the key details about Jamestown’s economic situation:

Economic Indicators

  • Median Household Income: The typical household in Jamestown earns just $18,000 per year, which is 69.2% less than the statewide median household income of $58,516.
  • Poverty Rate: Jamestown has a staggeringly high poverty rate of 46.7%, compared to the statewide poverty rate of 14.3%.

Location and Demographics

  • Jamestown is the county seat of Fentress County, located in north-central Tennessee.
  • The town has a population of approximately 2,077 residents.

Comparison to State Averages

  • Jamestown’s median household income is less than one-third of the Tennessee state average.
  • The poverty rate in Jamestown is more than three times higher than the state average.

Contributing Factors

While specific causes are not detailed in the search results, factors that often contribute to high poverty rates in small towns include:

  • Limited job opportunities
  • Lower educational attainment
  • Lack of economic diversification
  • Geographic isolation from major economic centers

It’s important to note that while Jamestown faces significant economic challenges, efforts to improve conditions in distressed areas of Tennessee are ongoing.

The state has set objectives to reduce the number of economically distressed counties and improve economic status rankings in rural counties by 2025.

