The Tax Refund is one of the most important annual items in the United States, and the IRS may soon send an amount of $10,000 to many California residents via it.
It is true that not all Americans living in California are eligible to apply, but it is also true that the requirements can be met, so we must be aware of the situation.
If we are fortunate enough to be eligible for the appropriate Tax Credits, we could soon have $10,000 in credits to spend on whatever we want, as it will be a direct refund to our bank account via the IRS Tax Refund.
However, California residents may not be the only ones who can benefit from the Tax Refund, as people from all over the country may be eligible.
Who gets $10,000 in the IRS Tax Refund?
To qualify for this IRS Tax Refund, we must first meet the requirements for two types of tax credits. In this sense, the Tax Credit in California may be higher because a specific one can grant a significant amount.
The two tax credits we’re discussing are:
If we are eligible to have the maximum payment of both IRS Tax Credits, we can get $10,000 or more coming soon. So pay attention to the requirements to get them.

How to get the IRS EITC?
To obtain the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) we should keep in mind that there are several requirements. Thus, for it we must:
- Have a maximum income of $16,480 in the case of not having children.
- Have up to $44,492 maximum if we have only one child.
- Have an income of up to $53,057 in the case of having three or more children.
Fulfilling these requirements we can apply for the Tax Credit of up to 8,046 dollars. Thus, it is also mandatory to send all the necessary documentation to the IRS before April 18.
How to obtain the CalEITC from the IRS?
Although this is a different tax credit, we are discussing the same concept, but only in California. Low-income Americans living in California can apply for the IRS’s Tax Credit.
However, the maximum amount of this Tax Credit is $3,644, so adding it to the other one results in a fairly large figure. Typically, if we can apply for the EITC, we can also apply for the CalEITC, but we should double-check our eligibility.
In this case, you must have a maximum income of $31,950, plus care for a dependent child.
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