Goodbye to Stimulus Checks – Trump Will Eliminate All Payments to Those Who Do Not Meet These New Requirements

Goodbye to Stimulus Checks – Trump Will Eliminate All Payments to Those Who Do Not Meet These New Requirements

Sacramento, California, has launched a guaranteed income pilot program that will deliver USD 725 stimulus checks.

Family First Sacramento’s mission is to build a strong network that promotes equitable child, family, and community welfare, guided by people with lived experience, by bringing together public and private organizations to connect families with resources and helpful experts.

This CPP reflects our commitment to developing a prevention-focused, community-based, countywide structure that prioritizes the social drivers of child and family health and welfare.

Trump to eliminate stimulus checks for those who do not meet these requirements

This initiative aims to provide economic assistance in the face of rising living costs due to inflation, with the first disbursement scheduled for December. However, in order to continue receiving the benefit, you must meet certain strict requirements, which may result in its cancellation.

Sacramento Family First (FFESP) is a 12-month program that provides stimulus checks of up to $725 per month. The payments will be distributed until November 15, 2025, after beginning on December 15, 2024. This initiative benefited two hundred families in Sacramento, California.

One of the most common reasons for losing this benefit is moving out of California before the program’s 12-month period ends. If the chosen family decides to relocate, their payments will be canceled because they are no longer eligible.

Families must earn less than 200% of the federal poverty level (FPL) to qualify for the Sacramento Family First program. This income is calculated by adding the pre-tax earnings of each household member, which varies depending on the size of the family, as detailed below:

  • 2 persons: USD 40,880
  • 3 persons: USD 51,640
  • 4 persons: USD 62,400
  • 5 persons: USD 73,160
  • 6 persons: USD 83,920
  • 7 persons: USD 94,680
  • 8 persons: USD 105,440

Money is transferred straight into the bank accounts listed on the tax returns of the recipients. If bank details are unavailable, a physical check is sent to the address that the Department of Revenue has on file.

Goodbye to stimulus checks – Trump will eliminate all payments to those who do not meet these new requirements
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What are the main requirements to receive these stimulus checks in California?

  • You must reside in one of the following zip codes, which are mostly located in the communities of Arden-Arcade, Florin, and McLellan Park: 95821, 95823, 95825, 95828, and 95838.
  • You must be providing care for a Black/African American, American Indian, or Native American kid between the ages of one and five.
  • Your income must be 200% below the federal poverty threshold. A family of four, for instance, will require less than $62,400 in income annually.
  • Additionally, you must not be getting any guaranteed revenue from any other program or pilot.

Some Americans might get new stimulus checks in the US

Approximately one million taxpayers are receiving stimulus checks from the Internal Revenue Service, which may be especially beneficial to Black Americans, whose incomes are frequently lower and more erratic than those of white Americans.

According to a recent US Census Bureau report, the median income for black households in 2023 was $56,490, compared to $89,050 for white households. In December, the IRS announced that it would disburse approximately $2.4 billion and that each qualifying taxpayer could receive a stimulus check worth up to $1,400 by the end of January.

Michael Neal, a senior scholar in the Urban Institute’s Housing Finance Policy Center, told Capital B that the need for these stimulus checks is exacerbated by the fact that the financial turmoil caused by the COVID-19 outbreak was followed by higher prices for many of the consumer goods we rely on. Hopefully, these assessments will be completed on time, especially for families at risk.

After an internal data analysis revealed that many eligible taxpayers had failed to claim the Recovery Rebate Credit, a refundable credit for those who had not received one or more prior stimulus payments, on their 2021 tax returns, the IRS issued this batch of stimulus checks.

In 2020, the IRS issued checks to 35 million individuals, with President Donald Trump’s name on them. This sparked outrage, with many claiming that his administration attempted to take credit for assisting a poor nation that had been slow to respond to the outbreak.

Some people assumed Trump was the source of the checks, rather than Congress-authorized legislation, because it was an unusual move for a president.
