The tax season in the United States is more than just a financial obligation; it also provides a unique opportunity to reap significant economic benefits.
Many California taxpayers are eligible for refunds of up to USD 10,000 through the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and its state counterpart, the CalEITC. These programs are meticulously designed to assist families with low to moderate incomes, providing significant financial relief.
The IRS has set a deadline for filing tax returns and confirmed significant changes for the 2025 tax season. The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit intended to help workers with low income. Depending on your family situation and income, you could receive a refund of up to USD 8,046 when you file your tax return.
Eligibility Requirements for Tax Refunds
To qualify for a tax refund, you must meet the following criteria:
- Income Limits:
- Without children: Up to $16,480.
- With one child: Up to $43,492.
- With three or more children: Up to $53,057.
- Valid Social Security Number: You must have a valid Social Security Number before April 18, 2025, which is the deadline for filing your return.
If you meet these criteria, you can claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) on your federal tax return. It’s crucial to fill out all forms correctly to maximize your refund.

Where’s My Refund? How to Track Your IRS Tax Return in 2025
For California residents, the CalEITC is a one-of-a-kind program that supplements the federal EITC by providing additional benefits worth up to USD 3,644. By combining both credits, California families may receive more than $10,000 in total, providing significant financial relief.
The 2025 tax filing season officially began on Monday, January 27, with the IRS accepting and processing federal tax returns for the 2024 fiscal year. Taxpayers who want to check their refund status can do so within 24 hours of the IRS acknowledging receipt of an e-filed return or four weeks of mailing a paper return.
According to the IRS, most refunds are issued within 21 days, but some may take longer if the return requires additional review. With over 140 million individual tax returns expected to be filed by the April 15 deadline, the IRS is preparing for a busy season.
Many Americans rely on tax refunds to help them manage their finances. According to a recent Intuit Credit Karma survey, 37% of Americans rely on refunds to cover essential expenses, with 50% of millennials viewing them as a financial lifeline. Rising living costs, inflation, and debt have all contributed to the importance of refunds.
To check the status of their refund, taxpayers can use the “Where’s My Refund?” tool on or the IRS2Go app, which is updated once a day. To access their refund details, users will need to provide their Social Security number, filing status, and exact refund amount.
The tool provides updates on whether the return has been received, approved, or sent, allowing taxpayers to stay informed throughout the process.
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