Is It Illegal to Leave Your Pet Chained Outside in Wisconsin? Here’s What the Law Says

Is It Illegal to Leave Your Pet Chained Outside in Wisconsin Here's What the Law Says

Wisconsin does not have a comprehensive statewide law that explicitly prohibits leaving pets chained outside. However, there are some regulations and local ordinances that address the issue of tethering animals:

State Regulations

While Wisconsin lacks a specific statewide law on tethering, there are some relevant statutes:

  1. Animal neglect laws may apply if tethering endangers the animal’s health or safety.
  2. Local authorities are empowered to enact ordinances regulating the keeping of dogs.

Local Ordinances

Some Wisconsin municipalities have enacted more specific regulations on tethering:

Berlin, Wisconsin

The city of Berlin has an ordinance that sets standards for tethering dogs:

  • Chains or tethers must not weigh more than 1/8 of the dog’s body weight.
  • Tethers must be at least 10 feet long and have swivels on both ends.
  • Tethers must be attached to a properly fitting collar or harness.
  • Choker collars are prohibited for tethered dogs.

Lake Geneva, Wisconsin

Lake Geneva’s ordinance includes the following requirements:

  • All chains or tethers must be at least 10 feet long.
  • Tethers must have a swivel at both ends.
  • The tether’s weight must not exceed 1/8 of the animal’s body weight.
  • Choker collars are prohibited for tethered dogs or cats.

Racine, Wisconsin

Racine has stricter regulations:

  • It is unlawful to keep a dog chained for longer than 12 hours in any 24-hour period.

Best Practices

While not universally illegal, leaving pets chained outside for extended periods is discouraged. If you must tether your pet:

  1. Ensure access to adequate food, water, and shelter.
  2. Provide sufficient shade during warm months.
  3. Use properly fitting collars or harnesses.
  4. Use tethers of appropriate length and weight.
  5. Regularly check on your pet’s well-being.

Reporting Concerns

If you observe a pet left chained in potentially dangerous conditions, you can:

  1. Contact local animal control or law enforcement.
  2. Document the situation with photos or videos if possible.
  3. Reach out to local humane societies for guidance.

Remember, while tethering isn’t universally illegal in Wisconsin, it can become a legal issue if it endangers the animal’s health or safety. Always prioritize your pet’s well-being and consult local ordinances for specific regulations in your area.

