TikTok influencer, 27, died after undergoing routine cosmetic surgery and going into cardiac arrest at a Mexican clinic

TikTok influencer, 27, died after undergoing routine cosmetic surgery and going into cardiac arrest at a Mexican clinic

A BELOVED influencer and single mother died tragically just days after having cosmetic surgery.

Denisse Reyes’ health quickly deteriorated following a liposuction operation in Mexico that left her in intensive care, according to her heartbroken family.

The 27-year-old died three days after the botched surgery from a fatal cardiac arrest.

According to her family, Denisse had an operation on January 26 at the San Pablo Medical Clinic in Tuxtla Gutiérrez performed by an unlicensed surgeon.

Denisse’s loved ones named Doctor Orlando Gamboa after her uncle, Ammao Rodríguez, reported that she had a negative reaction to intravenous medication.

Rodríguez reported to the Daily Mail that her heart stopped beating shortly after the operation due to an adverse reaction.

Denisse went into cardiac arrest inside the clinic hours after the surgery, with doctors informing her friend that the situation was “delicate,” according to her uncle.

Her uncle explained: “She starts to feel sick and goes into cardiac arrest and at that moment they take her out of the room where she was in the clinic.”

The single mother was then transferred to Manzur Hospital and admitted to intensive care.

The family’s lawyer told Infobae Mexico that Dr. Orlando Gamboa, the doctor in charge, ordered the hospital transfer when Denisse’s condition deteriorated.

According to Attorney Rodríguez, Gamboa transferred the influencer due to a lack of appropriate medical equipment.

The defense attorney responded: “He took her out of the hospital and dropped her off at the Mansur High Specialty Solutions Hospital, which is where he transferred her because they supposedly did not have an intensive care unit.”

He also stated that the doctors who performed the cosmetic surgery failed to accept responsibility for her progress following the hospital transfer.

She was admitted to intensive care, but her condition worsened until her death on January 29.

Denisse’s sister Massiel Reyes paid a touching tribute to the popular social media star, saying: “The day I said goodbye to you, I hugged you, I told you ‘See you in Tampico’ and I didn’t want to let you go.

“My sister’s death is a private matter, and I ask for complete respect for the pain of my mother and nephew Matías.”

“I can only thank all those who have spoken to me out of concern for her.”

The family’s lawyer has vowed to sue Dr. Gamboa, who allegedly performed the surgery on the influencer, and anyone else found to be responsible for her death.

The attorney stated that if this occurs, they will pursue legal action against the doctor and any responsible parties. However, Dr Gamboa will be the main one for the time being.

He also stated that the family will continue to communicate with Chiapas’ Ministry of Health authorities.

Her uncle said, “May the authorities do justice to Denisse, and may the doctor be held accountable in some way for his actions.

“It’s not fair that she was already fine after her surgery and suddenly her health worsened to the point of death.”

Denisse’s family and friends are working to raise awareness about the dangers of cosmetic procedures performed in unregulated clinics.

There has been no official statement from any medical authority regarding the accusations against Denisse’s doctor, and Gamboa has made no public comments.

He was accused of being responsible for the death of a woman who died after undergoing liposuction in December 2024, which he categorically denied.

Denisse was also known on TikTok and Facebook as the “Queen of the Nenis of Tamaulipas” and was said to be in good health prior to the cosmetic surgery, with no pre-existing illnesses.

She rose to internet fame in 2022 as a ‘nenis,’ a term used to describe women who sell online products in Mexico, after which she opened her own shop, which she promoted on social media.
