
Omaha Permaculture Announces New Headquarters

Local urban/sustainable agricultural outfit Omaha Permaculture has announced the purchase for an eight+ acre site in North Omaha as their new headquarters. They have been operating from the lot for a few years, though this announcement marks their successful purchase of the lot. The word permaculture means permanent agriculture, which is a land and food management system that maintains a healthy ecosystem and encourages hyper local farming.

“Since its inception in 2013, OP has been dedicated to revitalizing dilapidated vacant properties throughout Omaha.” [Omaha Permaculture] They work with Omaha city Planning Department, the Omaha Municipal Land Bank, and Habitat for Humanity. This new headquarters gives the group a place to host community events, demonstrate permaculture techniques, handle compost and mulch, and more. As much as they reach out to help their community, you can reach out to help them, too: sign up to volunteer here.

“The 4101 Grant site, previously owned by the Omaha Municipal Land Bank and recently purchased by Omaha Permaculture, represents the next stage of Omaha Permaculture’s work in the community. Funders for the purchase include the Mammel Family Foundation, the Weitz Family Foundation, and others.”

“We are committed to working in partnership with the communities we serve. We are already hosting internship programs for young people in North and South Omaha, and we provide land to refugee communities to grow crops from their countries of origin.”

“Von Roenn said that OP, as a previous renter on this site, has already begun development of the land, but that big things are ahead.”

Omaha Permaculture Facebook

Renderings on this page via Omaha Permaculture. The two existing main buildings will have major work done, including a new roof for the offices up front.

Mr. Clark Williams shows off some of the bees he maintains. Omaha Permaculture helps people understand the need for pollinator plants. Omahans can add helpful plants in our yards that use less chemicals and helps the flora/fauna populations. Clark’s daughter Aaliyah evens sells the honey under the brand “Aaliyah Angel’s Honey.”

So much room for activities!

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